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Happy Birthday, Hermann!

  • Fondazione Hermann Hesse 2 Ra Cürta Collina d'Oro, TI, 6926 Svizzera (map)

Hesse surrounded by artist friends in Zurich © Nachlass Hermann Hubacher

148th birthday of the great writer and poet

Wednesday 2 July 2025, 19.00 22.00 · Giardino ATTE, Via dei Camuzzi 7, Montagnola

How would Hesse celebrate his birthday today in his beloved Montagnola? Let’s imagine! Surely, he would be surrounded by his artist friends, each ready to offer a special gift: a performance, a small work of art, or perhaps a lively and witty conversation about art, philosophy, and the little follies of life.

We want to stay true to his spirit, drawing inspiration from the artistic circle that once shared life with the poet on the Collina d’Oro. This place, a cradle of creativity across various artistic disciplines, provides the perfect backdrop for a unique event dedicated to the great writer.

For Hesse’s 148th birthday, we invite all of you—artists, thinkers, and lovers of art… as spectators! Let’s celebrate the Nobel Prize-winning writer with an evening where artists will showcase their works or perform open-air in a summer garden not far from Casa Camuzzi, Hesse’s first residence in Montagnola.

A social gathering to meet, talk, enjoy an aperitif, discover the gifts that artists have brought to the guest of honor, and immerse ourselves in the genius loci of Montagnola.

In collaboration with Amici del Ticino

Entrance fee: «Pay What You Want» principle

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