A day with Klingsor in Collina d’Oro - a poetic land
watercolour painting with Dominique Fidanza alias Sighanda
Saturday 10 September 2022 · 9.30–17.00 · open to all
Sunday 11 September 2022 · 9.30–17.00 · for Collina d’Oro residents only
The course is open to all those who love to draw and wish to learn in a convivial atmosphere. Participants discover drawing as a means of self-expression and learn various techniques, within a cultural environment.
No artistic skills are required to attend the courses.
Dominique Fidanza alias Sighanda is a well-known artist and illustrator with extensive teaching experience.
Course in Italian, 7-15 participants (minimum age: 15).
Saturday 10 September, CHF 120.-
Sunday 11 September, only for Collina d'Oro residents (free on presentation of the resident card)
A travel notebook is required for the course (11.9.2022) and will be provided by Sighanda on the day at the special price of CHF 15 per person (in cash).
info@hessemontagnola.ch (by 5 September 2022)
Museum Hermann Hesse, Montagnola, 9.30
• Watercolor paper A4
• HB pencil
• Brushes, black felt pen
• A small bottle of water with glass
• A painting cloth
REGISTRATION Saturday 10 September (until 5 September 2022)
REGISTRATION Sunday 11 September
Only for Collina d'Oro residents (free on presentation of the resident card)