Hermann Hesse, 1922 · © Hermann Hesse-Editionsarchiv, Offenbach am Main
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse's first inter-religious poem in Indian guise
Conference Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Kuschel
Saturday 27 August 2022, 17.30 · Sala Boccadoro, Montagnola
The theme of this conference is Hermann Hesse's 'Indian poem' Siddhartha, which revolves around the figure of Buddha and at the same time marks Hesse's turn from Buddhism to Taoism, from India to China, from Buddha to Laotse.
Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Kuschel, former professor at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Tübingen, where he taught theology of culture and interreligious dialogue, is a member of the "Global Ethic Foundation" and president of the Internationale Hermann Hesse Gesellschaft, furthermore he is author of the publication Im Fluss der Dinge. Hermann Hesse und Bertolt Brecht im Dialog mit Buddha, Laotse und Zen (2018).
In German. Free entry, voluntary donation.
Karl Josef Kuschel