Illustration by the artist © Sighanda
Watercolour painting with Sighanda
Sunday 8 September 2024, 9.30–16.30 · Museo Hermann Hesse Montagnola
Collina d'Oro, a picturesque place that inspired the fantasy world of Hermann Hesse, offers a breathtaking landscape with a wealth of nuances and colors. In this free course, aimed exclusively at residents of Collina d'Oro, you can discover the art of drawing and learn different techniques. Inspired by the book covers on display in the exhibition Wo Hermann Hesse, da Volker Michels - Der Herausgeber und Wegbereiter eines zeitlos aktuellen Schriftstellers, course participants will create a poetic illustration using watercolors and colored pencils. This will offer the opportunity to become an illustrator for a day.
Sighanda is a well-known artist and illustrator with extensive teaching experience.
No artistic skills are required to take part in the course.
in Italian, 7-15 participants (minimum age: 15 years).
The course is exclusively for residents of Collina d'Oro and is free of charge. A contribution towards expenses of CHF 15 for the material provided will be charged to the participants (payable in cash). Included in this amount is a watercolor sheet 300 g, format 30x35cm, as well as passe-partout and folder.
Online or via e-mail to, until the 1st September 2024
Museo Hermann Hesse Montagnola, 9.30
• HB pencil, sharpener, eraser
• Colored pencils
• Watercolors
• Brushes
• Medium-black, indelible ink pen
• Water bottle with plastic cup
• A painting cloth
REGISTRATION (until the 1st September 2024)