© Cups of Color
Creating a participatory artwork for International Literacy Day - workshop and unveiling
Thursday, 5 September 2024. Workshop 10.00-15.30 - Unveiling 17.00
Piazza Brocchi, Montagnola
Museums also have the great task of fostering inclusion and offering a key to reading to those who do not have access to literature. On the occasion of International Literacy Day, the Museo Hermann Hesse Montagnola is collaborating with the Associazione Leggere e Scrivere della Svizzera italiana and the artists collective Cup of Color and with participant of different ages to create two large-scale paintings. These works aim to raise awareness of the importance of literacy, which includes both reading and writing, as well as managing emotions through its own “alphabet of emotions.”
The event will be held in small groups and in two phases. First, there will be a Workshop to discuss and process emotions, based on a poem inspired by the texts created by the students of Associazione Leggere e Scrivere della Svizzera italiana. The participants of all ages and backgrounds will then transform their reflections into images and words with the help of the Cup of Colour collective. At the end of the day, the two works will be presented to the public and then exhibited for a month at two locations in the Piazza Brocchi in Montagnola. The work is summarized as a visual synthesis of the emotions and thoughts shared on the theme.
Would you like to participate? Contact: info@hessemontagnola.ch
A participatory project of the Museo Hermann Hesse, in collaboration the Associazione Leggere e Scrivere della Svizzera italiana and the artist collective Cup of Color.